Since my missed opportunity, I think my eyes have been opened to appreciate the beauty of everyday, not just the spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime, perfect things in life. Every day is full of moments that can take your breath away and refocus your life. You just need to stop running around like a mad person for a few brief moments to take it all in.

The other night I was driving with Zoe in the car and we were going to drop H's car off at the shop. Not particularly fun, but there was gorgeous sunset. I kept sneaking peaks of it as we drove in between buildings, behind gas stations, in front of power lines.
Just for my kicks- I've included the photo as imported into Lightroom, the photo after applying the Direct Positive Pre-set, and the photo after some tweaking.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: "Beauty and grace are performed whether or not we sense them. The least we can do is try to be there."--Annie Dillard
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