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Monday, November 5, 2007


Just cause I found some old photos & I missed my (pre-married) pink bedroom!
Look how small my wax myrtles were~

Well, I didn't miss those awful angels on the wallpaper border, but oh all the pinkness!

I don't care if dogs are colorblind, Zoe really liked the pink better.
And she loves to wrestle with H.

Small confession: I still have a few of my pink pillows. I'm saving them for a rainy day.

Well, I'm coming out all right on the "trade a pink bedroom for a husband" deal, so I'll stop complaining. Maybe just take a nap with my dear husband and super-pup.
It will have to be on the pale blue bed now though :(
And by-the way, these photos from June 2006 were some of the first taken with my other camera.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I still have my pink (and green) decorated-like-a-baby-room office!

1 comment:

Mamacita Chilena said...

I love pink too! I always dreamed of having a bright pink bedroom but my mom would never let me. And ever since I've moved out can you believe I have never, not once lived in a place that I was allowed to paint...and now I'm married so all hopes of pink bedrooms have been thrown out the window!!!

your old room looks awesome, but you're right, a husband for a pink room isn't too bad of a tradeoff :)