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Thursday, November 15, 2007


I'm taking the next 40 days leading up the Christmas to focus on the life of Jesus and do a mini-reflection. I'm following along with Liza on her special blog called 40 Days with the Son, based on the Max Lucado book 3:16. My understanding so far is that it's 40 verses that focus on Jesus life- from birth to death and Resurrection.

Here is how to join us in reflection of the spirit of this upcoming holiday season.

Today's verse is Luke 2:13-14, about the story of the angels appearing at Jesus' birth.

Titled An Extra-ordinary night: Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men whom his favor rests' ". - Luke 2:13-14

I have a few reflections on this passage, which is the point of me doing this study. First, I can't even begin go fathom what a chorus of angels will look like or how beautiful it will sound. I wonder if there are other instances in the Bible where angels appear praising God.

The second thing that grabs my attention is the mention of peace. That idea at once seems so small and yet so large and unattainable in this crazy world. Is it an internal peace of the soul or can there ever be peace between nations? But I understand these angels were telling the shepherds that God desires to give peace (and comfort and love) to mankind.

Finally, the sermon series we are going through at my church is called Fully Favored. It talks about how often God has given his favor to his people and those who are obedient to him. I've really been enjoying learning about the blessings that God has in store for his people and how it is his desire that we be his favored. I had never thought about all the instances in the Bible where God talks about his blessings and favor that he's waiting to put upon those who are obedient.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Jesus came not to the political leaders or clergy or theologians, but God announced the birth of the Savior to the ordinary people in an extra-ordinary way.

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