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Monday, November 26, 2007


I really don't have many comments about my Detroit trip, other than the Westin at the airport is awesome and I never even had to set foot outside on my trip. The hotel is attached directly to the Detroit Airport, a short walk from the ticketing counters & baggage claim. In the lobby, many of the airlines have check-in kiosks & there is even a security line just for the hotel. You'd hardly think we were in Detroit with all those trees- like they actually cared about environment or something.

Being my nervous, Type-A self who had to over-prepare and over-pack for my big meeting, I was all dressed up and ready to go at least 30 minutes before I needed to go downstairs and grab breakfast. I thought I'd take a self-portrait in front of the shower curtain since I rarely wear suits or heels.

The meeting went well, and I was quickly back at my terminal ready to head home to Houston. I've been trying to snag a Boeing 747 shot because I've always wanted to fly on one and
Continental doesn't have any in their fleet. Maybe on my trip to Fiji in a few years....

The square building in the center/right is the Westin Detroit Airport, which you can see is right next to the new control tower. It was super-swank and very modern place to drop a few hundred bucks on a comfy bed and marble bathroom.

You could even hear the gentle hum (roar) of planes taking off all night. It wasn't that bad though ;)

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Today, tomorrow and Wednesday I get to attend a training class in Atlanta.


Sarah said...

Aww...My hometown. least you got to enjoy the airport.

Liza on Maui said...

Great photo of you :) - now why did you choose the shower curtain as a background? ;)