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Friday, November 23, 2007


Last Friday, the 16th, I had a whirlwind trip to LA. I left my house around 5:30 AM, landed in LA around 10 PST, hopped back on my plane around 5PST and arrived home around 11 PM Central time.

It wasn't until we hit California that the clouds broke and I could see the desert mountains.

I'm so jealous of all these little people down there that wake up with a mountain in their backyard every day. It's much better than crappy construction in your backyard.

Something about the way this mountain had been molded and perfected by mother nature over the centuries intrigued me. I thought the colors and textures and patterns were so fascinating with the early morning sunshine casting a nice warm glow on them.

Nearing LA, we flew over what seemed like millions of acres of industrial areas. I wonder what is stored in all of those warehouses.

Approaching the airport, a thick THICK layer of fog covered the ground and entire city. It was neat to see the mountains sticking up out of the clouds in the distance or the skyscrapers of downtown peaking through the fog. My boss woke up from his nap, so I decided to put my camera away ;)

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Having a fabulous time in Alabama!

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