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Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm taking the 40 days leading up the Christmas to focus on the life of Jesus and do a mini-reflection. I'm following along with Liza on her special blog called 40 Days with the Son, based on the Max Lucado book 3:16.

Here is how to join us in reflection of the spirit of this upcoming holiday season.

Today's verse is the first 30 or so years of Jesus life- of which we know very little. .

Titled Jesus Goes Home First: "And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." - Luke 2:40

This particular passage didn't resonate with me as much as it did the other bloggers, but my simple explanation is that I've never been a mother. I've never had a baby. I don't have to balance my family with my career and my own personal needs. At this point in my life, I'm not anxious to have children and don't even plan on trying for a few more years. I know this is something that is so precious to so many woman and one of the most amazing ways to experience a miracle, but I'm just not excited about having a child right now.

One interesting thing that I'm reminded of is all the relational parallels that Jesus uses in the Bible to teach his children. The big obvious relationship is the father-son and all the love/pain/frustration/pride that come along with being a parent. I don't think that you can fully appreciate God's love for his children until you have your own precious child.

A similar analogy exists with God and his bridegroom- the Church. Until you are in a servant-hearted marriage, where God is the foundation and focus of that relationship, you can't fully experience the agape love and grace that God is extending to us. All these different relationships are ways that God teaches us about His essence and His love for us.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: God gives us his wisdom in the Bible to pass onto our friends and family.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm right there with you about waiting a while until having a child. I just got married and want to enjoy that stage. But maybe people were just amazed that a little boy would have wisdom...that in itself is amazing and rare.

Thank you for these posts!