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Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Isn't that a nice bunny that MIL bought for Easter a few years ago?

I don't know what happened. Zoe has had it for months and months and always carries it around when H come home. She's never been rough with it until.....

Wasn't me momma! I was playing with my ball.

Turn off that flash lady- it gives me doggy-red eye.

OK, maybe I did do it, but it was an accident when you had to work so much that week.

Can you pretty please turn the flash off now and play ball with me?

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: It will have to be a Travel Tuesday becaue I'm in Detroit for a big meeting that I'm excited to be able to attend.


Christy said...

Awww Bad Zoe! LOL, she's too cute to be mad at. :)

Courtney said...

ha ha doggy red eye. It's more like doggy blue eye!

Rhonda said...

LOL...Zoe is imitating Cody.

Amanda said...

That is hilarious! Our dogs don't even go hour or two with a stuffed animal :) I wish I too knew ways to get "red eye" out of dog photos :)