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Friday, November 9, 2007


We went downtown last Thursday with high hopes of learning some Tango.

Unfortunately, the presentation and demonstration wasn't what we expected.
Instead we roamed around the outdoor performance area & sat around chit-chatting.

Just watching the sun go down and enjoying some great fall weather.

There was actually a Tango show at the ballet that night, but we didn't have tickets.

Why do we care about Tango?- you might ask.

Well, we need to brush up on our Tango skills because....
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: We are officially booked on our anniversary trip to Brazil & Argentina!

1 comment:

April Ziegler said...

Yay! I am SO jealous... can't wait to hear more about your trip. I'm trying to sell Kev on a belated anni trip to Greece =)