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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


So I mentioned the best part of my trip to Seattle was the plane ride home.

The ever-so-thoughtful Continental pilot gave us an up-close tour of Mount Saint Helen.

I've mentioned that I'm totally obsessed with mountains & I was lucky enough to be on the "good" side of the plane, for a spectacular view.

This was in August, so at the peak of summer & most of the winter snow had melted. I assume what was left was glaciers.

The gigantic volcano erupted in May of 1980, when I was just barely a month old.

According to wiki, the volcano continues to be active today.

You can actually apply for a permit and hike this if you dare.

Flying on- there scenary over the mountians and lakes of the Pacific Northwest was awesome.

This was just past Mt. St. Helen & the lush green forest looked so inviting. Hopefully I can go back on day for an in-person tour of the mountain.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Another cold front is coming to Houston!


Amanda said...

Wow! I can't believe you took those from an airplane!! Beautiful photos!

Christy said...

Cool pics!
Yay--hurry up coldfront.