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Sunday, November 11, 2007


Probably even more touching to me than the Moving Wall, was the display of American flags for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan. The flags were arranged by the serviceman's country of death and the time period in which they were killed.

Additionally, each flag had the name, age, hometown and photo of the fallen servicemen, as well as a description of how they were killed in combat.

It really brought the tragedy home to me to see the hundreds upon thousands of flags all lined up.

There was even a special section for those soldiers killed from Texas.

Since I attended the even on early Friday afternoon at the Park, the entire display wasn't full set out yet. I could only imagine how profound it was once all the flags were set out on display.

Each flag- a man or woman, a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a husband or wife. Maybe a mom or dad. Their death was honorable and I extended my utmost gratitude and thanks to them and to their families.

Honestly, there are no words to describe how over-come with emotion I was to ponder all the men and women who sacrificed everything.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: One of my closest friends has recently returned from active duty and is now in the Marine Corp Reserve.

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