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Sunday, November 4, 2007


Although my sister followed in my brother's steps by playing soccer, it was a short lived adventure in 2001 when she was about 6.
Finding dance was like the jackpot for her, and soccer quickly lost all appeal. She's been dancing for years and loves it more and more. The above and below photos are from 1999, when she was about 4.

She's been dancing at the same studio with the same group of girls for 8 years now.

They have a recital in the spring, where she does a ballet, tap and jazz routine. So 3 adorable costumes each year. I have down 2001 for the photos above and below.
I make her recital almost every year, and H got his first taste of hours of sitting through mind numbing performances just for the few minutes to see the one little girl you care about.

The above photo was taken June of 2006, when Haley was 11.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I'm so thankful my sister has such a passion and love for dance.

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