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Friday, November 9, 2007


In an effort to bone up on my photoshop skills, I decided I would try to commit to a regular feature here on the blog called "Good, Better, Best". I will show the photo as I actually captured it SOOC (straight out of the camera). Then I will show you how I did minimal cleaning up in Lightroom to make it better & blog-ready. Finally I'll spend some time actual doing editing in Photoshop Elements and hopefully make it a great photo.
The above photo was taken a few weeks ago at my brother's baseball game. It appeared on the blog in the below format.

I cropped it even tighter and played around with trying to make the background less distracting. It's pretty chessy looking at it now, and I know what I would probably do differently next time. It was decent first attempt to do something- anything in PSE.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Zoe is all ready for winter with her stylin' sweaters.


Courtney said...

WOW that third pic looks awesome! I can't believe the shot it started from.
Love Zoe's sweatter, but does she really need it in November? I mean, there isn't even snow!

Christy said...

Lightroom is awesome!
And Zoe looks fabulous!

Just Another Small Town Girl said...

I think that turtleneck might be a little much for Zoe! It looks like she can't move ;)