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Sunday, November 18, 2007


I'm taking the 40 days leading up the Christmas to focus on the life of Jesus and do a mini-reflection. I'm following along with Liza on her special blog called 40 Days with the Son, based on the Max Lucado book 3:16.

Here is how to join us in reflection of the spirit of this upcoming holiday season.

Today's verse goes backwards from Jesus birth story of Day 2 into Matthew and it tells us about Joseph's obedience. I was worn out yesterday and felt like a train had run me over, so I'll do Day 3 & Day 4 today to catch up.

Titled Joseph, Caught in the Middle: "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.". - Matthew 1: 24-25

This verse reminds me of Joseph's obedience to the Lord's commandments of such a difficult act. To, on faith, take Mary as his wife and face the judgement of those around him for having a pregnant wife. How much easier are the things that God commands us to do and we tell him that we can't be bothered or can't endure the sacrifice to do it?

I wonder what the story would have been like if Joseph was not obedient to the command. It gives me hope that of all the times in my life that I have chosen NOT to be obedient and God still worked for good. It inspires me to strive for obedience in the future and wait to see what amazing story God will work though my obedience.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: 10 hours of sleep, after many 5 & 6 hour nights, has helped me re-charge and get ready for my exciting week.

1 comment:

Liza on Maui said...

I'm still waiting for the day/night I can get my 10 hours of sleep (yawn!)

I decided to post some of your thoughts on the actual post of the day, then link back here. I hope that's ok with you....

Thanks again for participating - I'm being blessed by the insights you are sharing.