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Thursday, November 22, 2007


I'm taking the 40 days leading up the Christmas to focus on the life of Jesus and do a mini-reflection. I'm following along with Liza on her special blog called 40 Days with the Son, based on the Max Lucado book 3:16.

Here is how to join us in reflection of the spirit of this upcoming holiday season.

Today's message is about Jesus baptism by John the Baptist, and deals with what has become a rather controversial thing- baptism.

Titled Baptize You?: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.' " - Matthew 3:16-17

WOW! What an amazing passage and it's one that I've heard preached on a few times. I'll share my "learning" and opinions on this passage. First, Jesus didn't NEED to be baptized and we, as followers, don't NEED to be baptized. It is an act of obedience to God's command and is done as a response to salvation, not a pre-requisite. Re-read that line- it causes many people to stumble. Baptism is NOT a requirement for salvation, but it is an outward testament of the believer of their internal salvation.

From that logic follows the premise that being baptized is conscious act of obedience by a believer, not something that is thrust upon newborns. I was baptized as a baby and really struggled with being baptized again. However, once I studied the issue. I read about how people in the Bible were baptized, how Jesus was baptized as an adult, the purpose and reasoning behind baptism today.

I realize this is a controversial topic and it took me many months to come to terms with it and let go of my past. If anybody is struggling with it, I encourage you to study what the Bible says about baptism and look to our perfect example Jesus as a model for how God desires his children to live.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Winter has finally arrived!

1 comment:

Liza on Maui said...


Really, we don't need to be baptized, but seeing (reading) that Jesus did it, it's an example we need to follow - as we declare to the world - "I am a believer".

Yes, it's an eye opening passage this week. And I agree, it's quite controversial too.