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Wednesday, November 28, 2007


WARNING- Several days of beautiful Alabama posts coming soon. I'll start off with the awesome trees, since I enjoyed long, bone-chilling walks through the woods. We have pine trees in Texas, but none this big! I've never seen pine so tall or so large.

Here I am with Jerry; I had to take my hoodie off to reduce the dork-factor of the photo. Jerry would tell us all about the different tress, how cotton fields spread as far as the eye could see where there are now pine forests. We learned about the art of tree farming- harvesting, planting, cutting and making big bucks.

Just to show you how big around this pine tree was, H and I could barely reach around it and hold hands. He's my little tree hugger ;)

On the mesquite and maples and oaks and pear trees, the leaves were brilliant reds and oranges, which made for super-fun photos.

This was one LARGE tree on the property. I would guess the base of the trunk is at least 20 feet around. The branch on the right had recently fallen during a big storm, but just the single fallen branch was as big as most trees.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: There was a wee bit of rain here on Monday in draught-ravaged Georgia & Alabama.


Liza on Maui said...

Great shots! I love the first one (do you call that worms eyeview?) and the one with you and your dear husband with the huge tree trunk in the middle :)

Looking forward to more photos you mentioned. Looks like you really had a great time in Alabama :)

Rhonda said...

There is a place here in CA that's probably an hour or two from Sacramento and it's called Big Trees.......yep, it's a forest full of Big Trees. DH and I have gone there a few day I will have to find the pics and post them.

Amanda said...

I love the fall photos!! It's my favorite time of year for taking pictures too :) Looking forward to more posts of Alabama!

Christy said...

Love those pics! You two are too cute! Looking forward to more pics.