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Monday, November 12, 2007


I never post this late at night & I never sit down and type out a post the instant I want to post it either! Even though I was busy before, I feel like somebody turned the speed dial up on my life from about a 4 to a 10. In some ways I really enjoy it and thrive on the pressure. We'll see how I'm doing in 2 weeks.

This past weekend was busy and I took several hundred photos- all of which I'm trying to get through still. I was fortunate enough to spend some good quality time with my Aunt & Uncle, as well as some other family that came down from Denver. Another phase of the horrible, evil construction has taken place.

I've been working crazy hours and it's going to get worse before it gets better. I was working late tonight & missed my tutoring. I'm still responding to emails from clients and vendors about the 10 million projects I'm juggling right now. My bosses have 2 big meetings this week with clients to discuss cases.

I actually get to go to Detroit next week to attend a meeting with my boss on a case, but I have a ton of work to do before then. Like going out to Los Angeles again this Friday for some inspections. Plus I convinced my bosses to put together a small marketing campaign and assemble some sales literature. So I'm in charge of that project too- with a very short deadline. Plus prepare for 3 more big client meetings in December!

After Detroit, H and I are headed to Atlanta and Alabama for the holidays & I'll be out of the office quite a few days over the next 2 weeks. I also need to work with my dad to finish up with custom home photos so he can send them to clients- maybe this weekend.

GOOD NEWS OF THE WEEK: Lots and lots of good things in the works for me.

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