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Tuesday, November 6, 2007


This edition of Tuesday Travel's takes us to Seattle, where I was able to visit last August 2006 for my work. It's VERY rare that I have any time to enjoy the city, we usually fly in and out on the same day. However, we were done working early one afternoon & had some time to explore the city.

The downtown area by the Space Needle has some great museums and a little amusement park area.

The views from the top of the Space Needle are amazing. In this view, you can see both stadiums .The history & museum inside the SN are also quite interesting (at least for an engineering like myself!)

We ended up walking to dinner and eating at a fabulous seafood restaurant over on the water.

Down by the dock, where there were million dollar boats for sale, there was a great heart sculpture.

Don't mind the horrible picture of me!

Cause here is an even worse one!

Another classic photo of me at work doing a road survey.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: The plane ride home was the best part of this trip.....

1 comment:

a real librarian said...

I've never been to Seattle! I'd love to see the Space Needle. Oh, and that's not a bad pic of you - you are adorable! =)