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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


On my way home from the Custom Home Tour of Houston (I promise a blog about it is coming as soon as I get more info from my dad....), I had the unfortunate experience of having to incur the Beltway-8 and I-10 interchange. I hit the Katy Freeway to close to the Beltway to get on the freeway and catch the old fly-over, so I was stuck sitting at the light on the frontage road. I stared in amazement of the absolutely GIGANTIC scale of these roads, that were replacing other ramps just a decade old.

This particular interchange has been under construction as long as I can remember. As an engineer, I'm totally impressed with the sheer genius of all the roads and how they are suspended so high in the sky.

I often feel like the Katy Freeway is a road to nowhere, but hopefully this fly-over will go some where, some day.

In another fruitless attempt to enjoy my now-blocked-view of the sunset, I did capture this striking image of the colorful sky behind the monstrous crane in my backyard.

I also found this rebar, with it's patterns and shadows to be rather interesting too.

Well, it's not that great or beautiful, but I'm trying to see something of value in all this so-called construction that results in so much destruction.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Hopefully today will be a short, easy work day.

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