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Saturday, November 17, 2007


Last weekend my favorite aunt & uncle were in town along with two of their grand kids and 2 of their great grand kids.

Zoe had a swell time playing with the two kids . Travis went for a swim in mid-November, but Zoe wasn't too keen on the idea. We kept trying to trick her to get her in the pool.

Yup, my Aunt Sue is 87 and still has a drink (or two) every night. She rocks!

There's my mom and one of her favorite cousins- Lynn.
My Gram and her sister Sue. Their brother is the one in the hospice that my mom is taking care of recently, and he is the main reason for the big family trek from Colorado.

Group shot of love in the kitchen!

Here's Parker with his mom Kelly working on a Texas Puzzle.

Kids have the best expressions. And Zoe like the fact that he carried food around at her level.

One last love shot of my mom and grandma. Boo- I didn't get a picture of Travis except for his pool swim.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: It's amazing how good it feels to be around family.

1 comment:

Liza on Maui said...

I agree - it's a great feeling to be around family. It's precious. The photos you shared portrays a happy family - you are blessed :)