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Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Despite the somewhat hazy morning, I caught a nice glimpse of downtown Houston as we took off for Atlanta on Thanksgiving morning. I think it was the 30 mph winds from the North that changed the usual flight take-off patterns.

How swampy, nasty is this? I think it's around Channelview or Baytown, which is the upper end of Galveston Bay. If I could zoom more, you'd see the area peppered with factories and industrial areas.

My husband picked up a great book he foundvin the airport called Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the Future of Race in America. He was able to do quite a bit more reading in Alabama and is enjoying the book so far.

Along with the new flight-path south of the city, we flew over this huge rail-switching yard that's a major artery for all the goods and products that come through the Port of Houston, the railroads, and the tractor-trailers.

Something neat I've never seen before was the shadow of the plane cast just below us on the clouds as we approached the Atlanta airport. I'm not sure what type of optical trick was going on, but the polarized ring about the shadow was a cool effect too.

Breaking through the low lying clouds near the Atlanta airport, I spotted all the beautiful fall colors of the trees lining the gently rolling hills. I knew it was going to be beautiful on the ground, as long as the rain stayed away!

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: It's going to be another great month at work for H.


Christy said...

Very pretty trees in Alabama--I wish we had more of those in Houston. :)

Rhonda said...

Wow...those trees are so pretty.

Liza on Maui said...

That book your hubby is reading sounds very interesting.

Oh, the fall colors photo (the trees) - it's marvelous! I don't get to see such scenery here on Maui...