Here is how to join us in reflection of the spirit of this upcoming holiday season.
CHUMMING WITH THE MAFIA: "I'm here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders." Matthew 9:13 (MSG)
I really like the reminder from today's devotional that many people missed Jesus and few looked for Him. But ALL who looked for Him, found Him. Somewhat building on my previous thoughts, I think we need to encourage people to seek out Jesus and a relationship with Him. It's not about showing them the Bible or dragging them to church, rather it's about touching the desires of their heart so they will seek out Jesus. It's also a very powerful mantra that all churches should operate by- the Church exists for those outside its walls, not those on the inside.
Another small comment is that his passage is from The Message translation of the Bible, which is more of a paraphrase in contemporary language. I've really enjoyed reading this version of many of my favorite old, familiar stories. The words and phrases the Message uses somehow speak to me on a new level and allow me to gain a deeper understanding of that passage. I'm not suggesting it be your only translation of the Bible, but I think it's a great supplement to a study Bible and will bring new life to the words and parables.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: My wonderful step-dad helped me out of a bind today when my brand new (1 day old) tire was flat in my driveway this morning. (Just needed a new valve stem).