We own some rental properties and the tenant had been asking me to do something about the side yard flooding when it rains. We decided to expand the walkway and hopefully remove areas that could gather water. Last Sunday, we headed to Home Depot to work!
30 measly pavers doesn't sound so bad when you start out. It's after you have to pull 30 down off the Home Depot shelf and stack them on your pallet that you realize how many that really is!

And once you load them all in your car, it really starts to sink in. Glad we didn't go for 40. Really glad I've got such a fabulous hubby that did most of the lifting!

The unloading went quickly, and I think there was about 2 mosquito bites for every 3 pavers put down. We expanded her walk area and created a little path around the back.

That doesn't really look like enough though. Soooooooo- back to Home Depot we headed to load up on another 20 pavers. Check out this sexy side yard now! Big enough for a dance floor!
My dear husband rocks! He did all the hard work. I helped him unload them from the car, but he did the major lifting and loading at the Depot.

Yea, so my hands were rough and cut up for a few days. I really hope my tenant appreciates this!
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I've been blessed with great tenants so far.
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