Such awesome colors and unique texture and patterns.

I'm very excited to see my friend in just a few short weeks.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I'm only about 2 weeks behind blogging now.
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Such awesome colors and unique texture and patterns.
My Gram was there double- fisting it, even it if it was Coke.
Matt was there with his girlfriend, even if I managed to take an awful photo of them with her half in the shade and half in the sun. I'd promised to take a better picture, but totally forgot.H cooked up some dogs and burgers for those (like me and all the kiddos) not inclined to eat crawfish.
Our favorite cousins were there too- at least 4 out of 5 (one got in trouble that morning and couldn't come at punishment).
They had so much fun running around in the backyard and playing hide & seek or catch with the tennis ball.
Until too much rough-housing when they broke the glasses of one of the boys. H to the rescue before their grandma found out and we were all in trouble!
And our other-mother Dana made us some fabulous pastries as dessert- including this beautiful red Velvet cake that was devoured in a few minutes.
This stuff (and the night time one) is saving my life right now!
We bought our old grill about a week after I moved in because we were having family over to see the house. It's really not big enough to cook a mess of beef and chicken fajitas at the same time. Zoe is checking out the new grill, to see if it will taste as good as the old one.
That's certainly one way to get it started!
It's getting hot in here!
Yummy chicken breasts came out awesome!
With a glass of wine and a beautiful sunset, we had a great night!
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: It works great on some tasty steaks that we cooked this weekend!
A building that looks more like it belongs in Buenos Aires than in Detroit.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: We made some big progress yesterday on the boy room.
The oversize bats and baseballs were also pretty neat, along with the spunky blue and orange everywhere.
There were also some unique tile mosaics around the stadium.
Comerica Park sits, literally, right next to Lion's Ford Field.
I was able to recruit a somewhat reluctant co-worker to attend the game with me Monday night.
We had great seats, that I still harass H with, only 8 rows up and just beyond 3rd base.
I was much more interested in people watching and checking out the skyline, with all it's interesting buildings.
Maybe this is the reason they aren't winning too many games.
It was funny to see 2 former Astros players on the Tigers lineup, but I was more concerned about that 46 degrees!
I did watch a little bit of the game, but they were losing pretty bad by the 5th inning and I was getting really cold.
Just a few shots of the old Tiger Stadium, which was replaced with the new stadium in 2000.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: We've finally got a new renter moving into the cottage! WOOHOO!