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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Art Car

I was working on a project for my dad last month on one of the houses he built & I came across some old photos that I'd never posted of an "art car". I was just driving around town & I saw this beauty and had to stop for a closer look.

The Dr. Pepper "tree" on top is truly the icing on the cake of this design.

Shredded aluminum can grass adds a stunning touch.

Where does one even find Tab cans these days for some styling rims.

I keep intending to get down to the annual Art Car Parade here in Houston.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: A relaxing Saturday where I hope to get caught up around the house & at work, then the big UH - Tech game tonight. Go Cougs!

1 comment:

Delilah and Rocket said...

That gives a whole new meaning to the term funky ride.