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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Grand Summer

One more brother & sister post since I haven't written much about them lately & some of these photos are priceless and need to be immortalized. They've had a very busy summer, including spending lots of time a church and at the pool.

This is actually from my brother's end of school year wrestling banquet, but he's friends with all the cute girls.

Finally one of him smiling & being a total goof-ball.

Yea, my sister is playing old-school Nintendo, from about 20 years ago.

They also spent a week at Galveston again this summer, but I didn't make it down with Mia.

Did a little fishing.....

...and even some catching!

Both of the kids had fun skim-boarding.

All this, plus wrestling camp, volleyball camp, church camp, weekend trips and much more! They are back in school, and volleyball & wrestling will be starting up again soon.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Mia's sister, Sophie, now has her own blog.

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