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Friday, May 9, 2008

Stormy New Orleans Morning

We woke up early Saturday morning in New Orleans, ready to check out the town and enjoy some Jazz Fest. Unfortunately this was our view of the skyline and Mississippi River from the 14th floor.

The radar wasn't looking any better. New Orleans is just next to Metairie on the map, but luckily the storm line was moving about 30 mph. We grabbed some breakfast as the thunder boomed, then decided to head out and drive around the city.

We did a mini-tour in the rain of the highlights, since H had mostly only seen Bourbon Steet bars with his friends. Canal Street was looking mighty fine in the rain, and it was fairly deserted.

A quick stroll down Bourbon Street in the rain, where all the delivery trucks were making their morning stops to restock all the bars from Friday night.

Sadly (or maybe luckily) this was as close as we got to all the shenanigans, but we both shared some fond memories of our past visits to these hallowed bars of shame. :)

The Saenger Theatre is on Canal Street, and it's personally neat to me because my dad did some work there years ago remodeling the famous stage & theatre.

Around 11, the rain started to let up, so we parked down around the French Market and braved the drizzle. I was amazed to see how high the Mississippi River on the earthen dam, with the city sitting well below the water just a few hundred feet away.

The cute little train came by, and we ended up riding it later in the morning.

Can't resist a cute picture of my dear husband!

And this odd Joan of Arc statue made us giggle every time we walked or drove by.
Jackson Square was pleasantly deserted in the early morning rain storm. H had never seen the park on his other trips to NO, so we really enjoyed the beautiful trees and great architecture.

Even in the rain, people stand in line for the world famous Cafe du Monde.

We eventually pulled up to the Gazebo Cafe to sip on some Mimosas and enjoy the live music.

I loved all the live music, coming from every corner of New Orleans. This band was especially fun to listen to as we waiting for the sun to come out.

We also strolled through the French Market, which I had never been to before.

Pretty much a flea market with a bunch of trinkets, I was much more fascinated by these repeating lights and fans.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I've got a lazy weekend ahead of me!

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