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Monday, May 31, 2010

Hang Time

Not only were the kids having a blast swimming, the dogs were going nuts in the pool.

Mia is quite the leaper and it only takes the smallest of splashes to get her going.

I loved having the SLR & getting some great captures of the dogs.

Mia got lots and lots of lovin'.

Zoe even made a few jumps into the pool.

Mia was unstoppable and an energy-machine.

She has a bad habit of jumping and then twisting back towards the splashes.

It was great entertainment for all involved.

Check out that ear-action!

And Haley's beautiful smile.

Cause it's awesome to watch a GIF in reverse...whoops!
Even the brother got some hang time.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Office is painted pink & ready for floors next weekend.

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