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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Former Sears Tower

Chicago-2580 by you.

After getting of our long & rainy boat ride, we grabbed some lunch, warmed up & had an afternoon cocktail before heading off to explore more of Chicago.

Chicago-2581 by you.

At the time, Chicago was still competing for the 2016 Olympic bid, and they had a huge display in the main entrance.

Chicago-2584 by you.

I love going to the tops of buildings & seeing the city from a whole new perspective. There's my "Jetson's House" by the river & look at all those train tracks.

Chicago-2590 by you.

Lollapalooza was in town that weekend at Grant Park, and in case you can't tell, it was still raining.

Chicago-2592 by you.

A bit of a bigger crowd here. I should have seen this as a sign (warning?) about what ACL fest might entail.

Chicago-2595 by you.

All the sailboats. I imagine you can only use them a few months out of the year.

Chicago-2611 by you.

Lots of low clouds still covering most of downtown.

Chicago-2626 by you.

I didn't get too many pictures from up top, but did manage to explore the window boxes. I thought they were very cool, but H is still a bit terrified of heights.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Final shipment of Christmas presents arrived this morning- I am loving Amazon Prime!

1 comment:

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think that window box gave me a slight coronary just now. It's okay, I'll be fine ...