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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yard Roundup

Last week, I returned home from my travels and discovered the powerful springs storms had generated enough wind to knock my tree over again! After the hurricane, we had 3 stakes keeping it upright, but recently one of the ties had come loose. I frantically called tree services at 4:55 on Friday to see if anybody would come to my rescue.

Luckily, I was able to find a very nice tree guy that came out on Tuesday to bring in the heavy-duty reinforcements. He stood it back up, trimmed a few lower branches, applied some root activator and staked it out for a tornado.

Now, we've got 3 wooden stakes with plastic tie-downs and 3 metal stakes with nylon rope tie-downs. I'm really glad that we were able to save it, but I think we'll have to keep all these stakes in our yard for at least a year for the roots to re-grow and establish themselves.
The tree-man also trimmed up our front trees. The look much better now & hopefully will keep on growing.
Our other tree has a split-trunk with two larger trunks growing up from the ground. He said the tree was still young enough that we should cut one of those down so they tree can grow normally. I don't think I have the heart to cut half of our tree down though. :(
Our handy-man also came by to do some yard work. He planted quite a few grass plots around the yard where we still had big mud area from putting in the sprinkler system. The yard is looking SO much better now & I'm glad we did that instead of just waiting for it to come back normally.

He also hooked up the garden with a soaker hose to go in the boxes and set them up on the timer for the sprinkler system. I'm still out there most afternoons giving my plants some extra water, but I find it very therapeutic.

And my flowers are blooming in the front yard- pretty, eh?
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Happy Easter- spending lots of time with the family today!

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