Of course, the centerpiece of any Thanksgiving feast, the turkey! Even though we "hosted" this year, I asked my mom to bring the turkey.
John was the actual chef of this turkey, and he did his best turkey impersonation to pose beside his masterpiece.

H was thrilled to be...um reminded... that we did indeed have an electric knife and it took many supervisors to ensure the proper turkey carving techniques.

Here is the spread all laid out- turkey, ham, mac & cheese, squash casserole, green beans salad, stuffing & mashed potatoes.

My mother-in-law had a pretty nice display going herself. Personally, I'm one of those that doesn't like any of my food to touch, so I have a very sparse plate (plus I'd eaten lots of appetizers!)

But I think that dessert was the best part! H requested a Boston cream pie.

I asked for a plain old yellow butter cake with some chocolate icing, pretty decorations additional.

And of course, an added bonus of apple & cherry pastries.

Now onto the really important things about Thanksgiving- the people! H & I with my mom and John. Gram wasn't feeling up to leaving the nursing home after her shoulder replacement surgery a few weeks back.
Us with H's mom and his "other mother" who was his neighbor growing up.
And of course, Miss Zoe, who got in VERY BIG trouble for grabbing a delicious bag of homemade rolls off the counter & eating them. We have to start all over on her veggie diet :(
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: We're going to see the (rescheduled from the hurricane) Eagles tonight at the Toyota center.
Looks like a great Turkey Day!
Zoe is a very sneaky girl. I like it! :D
Our "kids" had a little ham & turkey treat too. :)
See, I knew in that first picture of the food with Zoe in the background that she was planning something ...
Hope you got some butter with those rolls! nom, nom, nom
oh the food photos is making me hungry! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration.
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