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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Mia!

Mia turned 1 year old today! For her birthday, I took her for a mid-week swim at the pool. It was too hot to go to the park, so we played in the water

. She LOVES to jump & this is my view quite often as she leaps with great gusto into the water.

This- this is what we aim for! Synchronized dog jumping :)

Her mom Potter is back in the field & hunting again. You can find some of her siblings blogging too!

Mia didn't come to Houston until August, but this is the first meet & greet with Zoe. That's not a smile on Zoe's face- it's a snarl!

They were soon best of buds & a quick stroll down memory lane reminds me of some of my favorite teeny tiny puppy pictures.

Swimming with a young pup last summer was an adventure- she did awesome & this year, more importantly, she's learned not to swim *ON* us!

More from today- she's a beautiful and fun dog to watch, so entertaining!

She stalks the birds and insects and grass and toys in the yard with an incredible focus.

Mia is a very happy puppy- I've never see more wiggling and tail waging and puppy smiles. She is content to play with her toys for hours & loves to snuggle.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I'm going to be making some changes to the blog & I'm very excited about it :)


Christy said...

Awww Happy Birthday Mia!
It's crazy how puppies grow so fast!

Laila said...

Wow, has it really been a year? Happy birthday, Mia!
