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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8th Grade Dance

10_06 Haley 8<span class=

About two weeks ago my sister had her end-of-the year, 8th grade formal dance. The pictures were slow to trickle in on Facebook, but I kept waiting and getting more great shots.

10_06 Haley 8<span class=

No formal dates yet- just a group of girlfriends.

10_06 Haley 8<span class=

This is totally how I see Haley in my mind- the energy, the personality, the mischievous look, the beauty.

She went with a group of girlfriends.

Hmmm...why is my sister surrounded by boys!!??!?

These are some of her friends- they look so much older than 14 and 15!

The evening concluded with a big group late-night snack .

Fashion comes full-circle. She loves to pose for the cameras :)

School has been out almost a week & Haley's friends made her a sign welcoming her into high school next year.

I think this might be her Girl Scout troop- I can't believe somebody got them all the be calm and quiet long enough to take this shot.

And in other news & photos I stole from Facebook- my brother is officially dating! I think it's his first real girlfriend & now that he can drive, they go to the movies and dinner. My parents had to talk him out of taking her to Kemah & they settled on a game night at Itz instead.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: The kids are off the church camp in Oklahoma for the rest of the week.

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