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Monday, October 19, 2009

Running Circles

There is an empty retention pond behind my mom's house that fills with water during heavy rains. It can be quite busy in the evening with football games or the occasionally cricket match, but it was empty enough the other week for me to let the dogs out.

This was Mia's first trip to this particular field & she had a blast chasing Zoe around in circles.

Zoe comes out here often with my step-dad and chases some golf balls.

Chase chase chase!

Eat the grass & then chase some more.

Zoe's top speed isn't what it once was, but she can still get away from Mia.

I threw the kong on a rope a few times...

Zoe cracked me up because she just laid down with it.

Silly dog!

She did eventually "retrieve" it once, but wasn't interested in it after that.

She did run around with it for a minute and tease Mia.

No luck for Mia this time.

The dogs both enjoyed the cooler weather.

This was just too funny not to share....I'd love to know what they are both thinking.

And somehow Mia ended up in the pool. The water was a bit chilly, so I suspect this will be the last *unofficial* swim of the season.

Photos taken October 8, 2009 Mia 4 months old

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: More flowers for the flowerbed today & finally getting our mirror hung!

1 comment:

The Oceanside Animals said...

That looks like some good brain cramping!