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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pups & the A-Frame

I love that H took a sequence of photos with Mia mastering the A-frame & these GIF animations crack me up!

She was too funny...she'll eventually learn that it's much easier to go over the A-frame quickly than it is to go slowly and slide around.

I love this photo H captured of Mia going over the top!

Anything for a treat!

We went from this to this....

in about 2 seconds!

Zoe did awesome by herself going over it when I'd just point to it and tell her "A-frame". It melted my heart a little bit to see her remember all the agility that we'd learned. Unfortunately, I think this is probably where she hurt her dewclaws and they started bleeding.

Photos taken October 17, 2009 Mia ~4 months old

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Tuesdays are going to be my new favorite day: no running in the morning, no volunteering, no dog classes, no volleyball games, no wrestling matches.

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