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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Brick Border

So the story of our backyard has been an on-going tale. We're trying to make it nice & forget we have a freeway in our back yard. Our bushes have grown really large & we needed to cut them.

H has also been wanting to put up some borders/edging in our yard & make flowerbeds.

Since we've got company coming this month, we finally got motivated to start doing it (or at least pay somebody else to do it since we don't have a truck anymore).

Mia is checking it out...the bigger project was actually filling it all in. I was told it took 5 truck loads of mulch to get all the beds full. Once fall gets here officially, we'll plant some pretty flowers. Now to the front yard...

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Get to see Dave Matthews again tonight!

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