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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mia & the Lime

Our lime tree in the backyard was bearing fruit, so I thought I'd put it to good use.

Plus I needed some more super-cute photos of Mia trying something new.

Love the crinkled nose!


Why ya puttin' that big black box thing in my face?

She wasn't really too sure what to do with it.

Maybe if I stand up and try eating it....

Just then Daddy came home & she quickly put it in her mouth to take to him.

Photos taken September 26, 2009 Mia 15.5 weeks old

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: A wonderful lazy, rainy Sunday with the husband and dogs.

1 comment:

The Oceanside Animals said...

Good girl Mia! Now fetch Daddy the margarita mix and the tequila!