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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Good news: this is unlike any other privacy policy you’ve ever seen. It’s not on the 15th page of your cell phone bill, it’s not on the back of a carbon copy contract you filled out while waiting in line or in the smallest imaginable, illegible font on a website. It’s my own privacy that I’m worried about. Around the house, I leave blinds open after dark (much to my husband’s dismay) and I’ve never shredded any of the dozens of vital financial documents that I recycle every month (much to my accountant’s dismay).

I’m actually more concerned with the big scary world of internet privacy. Although I had a wedding webpage and some other information out there, I was alarmed one day when my mom simply googled “my-first-name and husbands-first-name”. My name is Amanda and it’s common. My husband’s name is a rather unusual Hispanic name, and together our names only point to us. We’re not Dick and Jane or Sally and Bob. In the interest of my privacy and my husband’s security paranoia, for the time being he’s just going to be ‘H’, or ‘the H’ or ‘the hubster’.

The privacy issue runs down two avenues. I’m not sure that I want people that I know in real life to be reading all my thoughts and secrets, and I am also concerned that some crazy wacky internet stalker could look up everything about me online and find me in real life. We’ll see how see how the blog evolves, who I share it with and how many personal details I divulge. I’d love to hear how other bloggers are dealing with this issue.

Colorado pictures coming soon- editing 800+ pics is getting in the way of work!

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: The older you get, the more you appreciate your own history.

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Amanda, LOVE LOVE the pics of Zoe! Keep them coming :)