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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

3____2____1 HAPPY NEW.....


Um...New Month.

Yup folks, it's August. 7 months since the last new year and 5 months till the the next one. Wish I was in Europe where it's typically vacation month. I generally don't make New Year's Resolutions, but the fresh start of the year is usually enough to motivate me to get "back on track" with everything from eating to working out to finances.

These past few months since the wedding have been a whirlwind that mostly resulted in a downward spiral at increasing speeds towards becoming as lazy as Zoe. No new recipes to try cooking. Fewer and fewer runs. I'm sure the gym wouldn't recognize me. Nothing scheduled..... So today- the first day of August, I'm getting my act together and I'll be on my best behavior for the next 31 days =)

Today officially kicks off my training for the Houston Marathon today, and I will be doing some fun runs this fall. H has even agreed to do a half marathon with me. (If I blog about it, I'm hoping he won't back out on me!) I'm also committing to exercise everyday. Hopefully at least a short run, but I'd like to re-introduce pilates and swimming back into the mix.

I also enrolled in an online photo class for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I downloaded the free trial version last night, so hopefully it will speed up my workflow and get me some decent post-processing skills. I've done tons of research on looking at what else I need to really get jamming on my photos and I'm hoping this is the key.

Finally- we've started scheduling our fall. I need to figure out when my long runs will be and when we can go camping! It's been over a year since we've camped and I really miss it. Zoe also thinks it's pretty freaking awesome.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Each day is a chance to start new and recommit.


Shey said...

Hey Amanda!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - yours is great but it just sucked me in for a half hour as I was reading through all your latest adventures! :) Such a fun life! Great pics too by the way! Glad to see you on the photo boards!!!

Beach Bum Marcie said...

Could that pic be any frickin' cuter?!?!?!? I LOVE it!!

RACHEL said...

Tell H I'll be his half-marathon training buddy (from afar). I just promised my best friend that I'd run the half in the San Diego marathon next summer if she'd come out and run the full!

Just Another Small Town Girl said...

Loving the CO pics!!!!! And Zoe is as adorable as always =)