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Friday, July 27, 2007


No, we didn't try to ride our mountain bikes through the trees. :) Instead, just as we arrived at the top of Peak 8, it started drizzling. As we rode further it started raining harder. We had a blast riding the 4 miles down the mountian though. I laughed so hard I almost cried a few times. I almost *almost* wrecked a few times, but had some spectacular saves. H would make me ride in front of him. He said he was nervous with me behind him, but I think he just wanted to watch me if I fell. We got rained on, we got muddy and we got some spectacular views.

After getting ripped off by the incompetent clerk at the bike store, we cleaned up and headed into town for some grub. Breckenridge has a quaint, if not touristy, downtown area. Filled with shops of food, knick-knacks and outdoor gear. There is an awesome stream that runs through town and they had a symphony orchestra practicing in the community building. We found a restaurant and got out of the (more) rain. I found a great window where I could watch the rain and the mountains as we killed a bottle of wine.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: If a door closes, look around for open windows.


April Ziegler said...

Looks beautiful! Sounds like you guys had a fab trip!!

Courtney said...

You guys have the funnest vacations!!!

Beach Bum Marcie said...

Look at that cute little face!! :)