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GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: A slow ride is better than crashing and burning and bleeding.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: You can rent a convertible on vacation and have an excuse for never fixing your hair.
Of course I swung by my favorite aunt & uncle’s house to grab dinner with them before heading to the airport to pick up the hubster. However, his flight was running late so I had some time to kill. I grabbed my camera and headed to my favorite local park.
This is my Denver running park. It’s just a few blocks from my Aunt & Uncle’s house, and I love the incredible views running along the stream and into a prairie with the mountains as a backdrop. I’ve ran this park a number of times- sometimes with the flowers and sometimes with the snow. I always look forward to the fresh air and breathtaking views.
This day I was lucky enough to get some great shots of the stream and a little bunny that snuck up on me. The flight delay afforded me another 30 minutes to swing into downtown Denver and catch a few great twilight shots. I’d love to go back during the day and click some more shots.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Isn’t life so much more fun with Neon?
After visiting Red Rocks, I headed just up the road to Golden, Colorado to see the quaint little town. I was too late for the Coors tour, but it looked packed and fairly “touristy” anyway. I headed downtown, which had a neat cowboy-esque western-theme going on down mainstreet, with the requisite stream running through town.
I grabbed a seat on the outdoor deck of the Golden Hotel’s restaurant, ordered a drink and watched happy people tube past me down the stream. Everywhere I turn, I’m more and more jealous everybody in Colorado.
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Even if you live in a some place less perfect than Colorado, it’s better than 200 years ago before electricity, A/C and heaters.
In addition to the fact that people are under the (wrong) impression that my job is very cool, CSI-like, I also have the benefit of getting to travel. On average, I’m a road warrior twice a month. Sometimes awesome places and sometimes not-so-awesome places. Last week I had to work in Denver and finagled my way into staying the whole weekend and flying up the hubster.
Denver is one of my favorite places to travel (at least for work). The weather is generally great, because I prefer the frigid winter snow to the hot humid inferno of Florida summers. Working in Colorado during the summer is as good as it gets. My other absolute favorite reason to visit Denver are my favorite family members- my aunt and uncle, Sue & Don. Everytime I get to Denver, I make it a point to stay an extra night and visit with them. Yes, they are THAT cool and swell. Stay tuned- they will get their own post in a few week
Another great job perk is that I work with super cool people. After my boss and I finished working, we headed to the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins. I’m not a beer fan, never really cared for it at all. *gasp* the horror…. but I’m always down for checking out new things. Besides, free booze and lots of college, um, scenery to enjoy.
Though, I’m not exactly a beer fan now, I can honestly say that’s probably the most beer I’ve ever drank in my life. We had a great time and it was an awesome way to kick off the Colorado vacation. I loved that the makers of Fat Tire Ale gave the employee of the month his own bike.