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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Buescher State Park Camping

Two weekends ago, we had a lovely time camping with some of our friends & discovering a new state park (on our 101 List) at Buescher State Park, about 1.5 west of Houston.

Zoe had hurt her leg earlier in the week, so it was just Mia on this trip & good thing- she was a lot to handle in the woods!

We lucked out & I had rented a nice little Premium Shelter. It was very privater and very secluded, had decent view of the water & was perfect for camping in the spring/fall when the weather can suddenly get very cold or rainy.

Inside was very nice- tons of windows, lined with cedar, nice big fan with bright lights, big picnic table & a handy broom.

I loved opening up the screened windows each day & being able to keep all of our food inside without having to pack it up each night.

I think this was a fairly recent update to this particular site. The old picnic table was still there, plus a nice big new one, a grill and a garbage can.

It took Mia a while to figure out the whole 'being tied to a tree' thing.

She quickly learned the 'chill out in a chair' move.

But even better was the 'climb into H's lap' move while we waited for our friends to arrive after work on Friday.

She did great for the most part- not wandering off too far when we took her off leash, not barking at the many noises, and being semi-well behaved for a puppy.

Part 2 coming tomorrow...

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: All of our indoor Christmas decorations are up!

1 comment:

The Oceanside Animals said...

Cute cabin -- I guess it's Bring Your Own Bed!