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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Habits

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Since moving to the new house, the dogs periodically sit right at my feet under my desk on the carpet.

Granted, the have their own couch about 8' from me & it's a tight squeeze for both of them to fit down there...

This arrangement was too cute, although I couldn't actually get up out of my chair to properly photograph it.

Silly puppies...this is usually during the day when the workers are in the house making noise and they are on edge about it. Otherwise, they are comfortably curled up on their couch when they are sleepy.

Photos taken March 2010, Mia ~9 months old

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: My 2nd paper is officially published now & I am off to Midland today for work.

1 comment:

Delilah and Rocket said...

Strangers = Danger! LOL! new place, new people, new noises. They just want to protect their mama