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Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas continued on Christmas Eve with a wonderful church service, where my mom & John joined us, along with H's mom and "the girls". It was a great mix of singing, performances, the Christmas story and an awesome sermon on how we are all searching for God. I'm so thankful and over-joyed that my mom and step-dad have been coming to church with us recently- I really couldn't think of a better gift.

After the service, we headed out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant with H's mom, the girls and we met up with 2 of her old friends there. We enjoyed a wonderful old man on the saxophone and top-hats, accompanied by a piano throughout our dinner.

Back to MIL's house, where the girls ripped into their huge pile of presents and we exchanged presents with her. We did lots of pictures for her this year. I had a nice canvas made from Canvas on Demand of H & her at the wedding. We bought her a digital frame, and loaded lots of pictures on it. We had some wedding pictures printed to put in this great collage frame we had given her for mother's day.

AND......I got a new lens!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO. I'll have a whole special post dedicated to it, but I'm so excited to get a macro lens!

H received lots of clothes- new shirts and ties. A new swanky suit.

We received the coolest door mat for our house- with our name on it.

The special boys stopped by too, except they'd picked up another brother and sister! So in addition to Carmen's 5 grandchildren, they also now have Rob's 2 kids. Poor little girl is surrounded by boys- she just seems so over-whelmed. It was great to see them & we're hoping to do something with them for New Years.

It was after midnight before we finally made it home & passed out exhausted in our beds.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and friends to share the holidays.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Looks like a well spent Christmas Eve! I can't wait to get a doormat with our shared lastname on it. :)