Click. The Good News Blogger Format, 2009-2010
I am moving on up in the blogging world to CLICK. THE GOOD NEWS!
Please update your feed reader to http://www.clickthegoodnews.com/feed/
As of Saturday August 6, 2010, I've posted 1,144 posts on the old Blogger format & invested literally thousands of hours over the past 3 years. I stopped to think about how much I really enjoyed blogging, forcing myself to finish my photos & get them online, not getting too far behind in life (well, except the past 4 months!), capturing the day to day normalcy that is our life, reminiscing about each of our big trips overseas, documenting all the funny & adorable things the dogs do, and so much more. I decided to make the major investment that will allow me to grow & for all these memories to be properly backed up and accessible for the future.

I love that I have it all here in one place. I consider this a new hybrid between keeping a diary and making a scrapbook. Doing all the transfer & site maintenance to get to my new location, I spent quite a bit of time going through the blog & straightening things up. Seeing how my blogging has evolved over the last 3 year is both surprising and encouraging. I've learned so much about photography, picked up a few coding tips, immersed myself in so many other wonderful blogs that I read & have really begun to value how much this blog means to me.
With over 107,000+ views on the old Blogger web page, I hope that many of you follow me over to Wordpress. I've officially got a domain name & some fun new features.

I've got a lot to learn about WordPress & how to use all the functionality that comes with a real fancy blog format. I can't wait to see how blogging changes over the next 3 years.
Things I'm looking forward to changing
-Neater layout & organization
-Important things just 1 click away at the drop down menu's up top
-Photo upgrades- border, watermark, galleries, easier uploading
-New banner (still to come) & background
-Easier & safer long-term back up options
-Optional privacy for future posts
See ya on the flip side~
GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Finally! Been working on this a few months & I'm excited to move ahead even if everything isn't finished yet.