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Monday, August 13, 2007


It's never a good sign when you see your pup rolling on the ground. I know instantly that's she found some gross, nasty, smelly disgusting thing to roll in. This time it was a dead animal, but not nearly as stinky as some others carcases she's romped on. This was just a small dead snake. Yuck! At least it didn't make her smell.

I picked up the snake skin and attempted to toss it so Zoe wouldn't roll in it anymore, but it hit the tree and disturbed this grasshopper. He came flying out and chirping and otherwise scaring the bejezus out of me! Eeek! Eeeek! Eeek!

So after a good scare by some some carpenter ants with wings, that we thought could be a devastating termite infestation, we called in the pros. The exterminators came and I thought I could sleep bug nightmare- free for a while. I was just happy we don't have to fight monsters like these in the country.

Well, of course right before we have some company coming over, I notice this utterly disgusting sight in our kitchen:

I'll confess he's been there a few weeks now! THE SHAME! But I promise if you heard about my husband's legendary battle with the light covers and knew of all the trauma and violence that ensued the last time the tried to change the light bulbs, you'd understand. You'd really understand what a monumental task it will be remove these guy. I live with it everyday, I just don't look up, I put up a mental block.

I killed these guys myself! Raid to the rescue!

Oh, and I've officially put a macro lens on my wish list at Amazon after seeing this. And I promise to show my blog readers nice things like flowers and stay away from the creepy-crawly multi-leg things.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: I've got a big bad burly husband that protects me from most things we studied in biology.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You had a dead snake in your yard??? ewwwww I'll take snow in October over a snake in my yard anyday. Yucky Zoe, yucky!