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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Everything Else New Orleans

Us riding the rail car a few hundred feet just for fun on Saturday.

This is the levee just few hundred feet from the might Mississippi River that, in theory, protects New Orleans from flooding. You can see it's a few feet thick, and a gate will close to protect the French Quarter. You can see the red truck that is actually sitting even lower than the wall.

On the way back from Jazz Fest, we had to stop at the wine bar. The Wine Institute of New Orleans, WINO, was the coolest little place. I've never seen wine "on tap" before. It reminded me of a casino in that you stuck your little credit card into the tap and selected 1 oz, 2 oz or a 4oz pour. The tap was smart enough to add it to your tab. How fun is that!?!!?

We had some snacks and a few more glasses of wine before heading back to our hotel.

I need this bottle of wine! ;)

We got back to our room- hot, tired, wined up and dirty from the Jazz Fest. I showed and crawled into bed only to hear thumping come from 14 floors below. As a corollary to the Festival, there was a smaller street affair called Jazz on Julia, where the street was shut down and several bands played.

H roused me out of bed, mostly with the promise of getting some dinner, and we headed down to the street festival. It was a neat little perk of staying at the Embassy Suites on Julia that there was a bonus round of music at night.

It was really pretty neat because there were people happily dancing in the streets. In the warehouse district, there were many artists studios, where were open for browsing that night.

Including this furniture store which had the most amazing showers H and I had ever seen. Yea, he's standing there trying to figure out how we can fit that in our house.

GOOD NEWS OF THE DAY: Back home to Houston this morning.

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